Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bonus Round: Blog Evaluation

Before taking RTF 305 I had never written a blog. I experienced many positive aspects from the blog assignments. I feel the blog writing assignments improved my writing skills. I viewed the them as having an essay due each week. Also, the blogs allowed me to focus on technical parts that I was previously oblivious to. For instance, I previously was unaware how to link and embed media into a blog. I thought the most positive aspect of the blog assignments was the encouragement of creativity. This is what distinguished the blogs from normal essay assignments. In my opinion this was accomplished in two ways. First, the essence of a blog is supposed to represent a personal tone from the author. Second, the TA's encouraged creativity in order to receive full credit. I believe this prompted us to go beyond mediocrity and explore our creative talents.

The only difficulty I encountered with the blog assignments was learning how to link media to my blog post. I overcame this difficulty by persevering until I figured it out, basically a lot of trail and error. Looking back, I should have just asked a TA for help. This being my first semester here, I was busy trying to figure everything out and stay a float.

I enjoyed the blog prompts that focused on film language and structure. My view is very biased because my primary interest is learning how to make movies. I was not aware of certain film language and structure before and really liked focusing on them. For example, in the film language prompt i used a goofy 1980's urban kung fu movie and was still able to answer the prompt. I felt this added enjoyment in the learning process. I liked being able to apply an important element such as film language to a silly movie. On the other hand, i don't watch a lot of t.v. so the prompts such as four and seven regarding sitcoms were not as easy to work with. Bottom line I understand this is an r.T.f. class so really there is no compliant.

I would recommend using blogs in the future. The blog assignments provide a creative environment
to improve one's critical analysis and writing skills. My only suggestion would be to continue to teach the students how to link and embed media in their blogs before they nose dive into the assignments.

Yes, you can use my blog in a paper or report.

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